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St. Cloud Area School District 742



American Indian Education

Free Services

The following FREE services are offered to District 742 students enrolled in the American Indian Education program.

  • Cultural enrichment classes for students
  • Seasonal cultural events for the entire family
  • Tutoring for high school students
  • College visits
  • Field trips
  • Information for post-secondary planning
  • Request to have Kip Perkings or Heather Broda to be present at a meeting (IEP, ILP, Conferences, etc.)

To find out if your student is eligible to receive these services, please contact the American Indian Program at 320-370-8775.

The American Indian Education Program is designed to meet the identified educational and cultural needs of our American Indian students. The ultimate goal of the program is to assist these students to successfully complete high school and to encourage and prepare students to seek post-secondary training and education.  

Photo of three American Indian Graduation Students


Children Holding Josie Dances Books
Cultural Lens

A key goal of the American Indian Program is to enhance cultural awareness and knowledge of students' Native American heritage.

The program aims to instill pride in students by highlighting the value and contributions of our ancestors and present day Native American community members. We create opportunities for cultural learning through community events, NAPAC meetings, and field trips.

Secondary Students pictured at MN Historical Society

Meet Kip Perkins and Heather Broda

American Indian Program Coordinator

Kip Perkins

Kip Perkins grew up in the town of Ponemah, MN on the Red Lake Reservation. He has been working for the St. Cloud Area Schools since 2023. Kip enjoys having the opportunity to connect with Native students and help others learn about Native American culture.

American Indian Cultural Liaison

Heather Broda


Heather Broda is from Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. She started with District 742 in 2024.


The purpose of the Native American Parent Committee (NAPAC) is to ensure parent participation in providing programs and services for American Indian students. NAPAC is also instrumental in providing parents of Native American students with information and opportunities to effectively express their views concerning all aspects of education that affect their children. The committee also oversees the development and implementation of the educational plan as funded by Title VII Indian Education federal funds and Success for the Future. NAPAC membership is open to all caregivers, parents and guardians of Native American students and their families, including multi-ethnic/race.  Secondary Native American students are welcome to join NAPAC. You do NOT have to be tribally enrolled.

2024-25 NAPAC Schedule

Meetings are open to the public. Everyone is welcome!

  • Monthly, 6 to 7 p.m.
  • Email to be notified of monthly meetings.

If you are interested in serving on the American Indian Parent Advisory Committee or want more information, contact:

Kip Perkins, American Indian Education Family Liaison at 320-370-8775 or

Indigenous Peoples Day