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St. Cloud Area School District 742



Social Media

We encourage our community to communicate with us through our branded social platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube.

We encourage our community to communicate with us through our branded social platforms. However, any comments/posts in violation of District or Board of Education policies may be subject to removal. These comments/posts include but are not limited to:

  • Commercial solicitations
  • Defamatory speech
  • Vulgarity or obscenity
  • Fighting words
  • Political support or opposition to any candidate or political measure
  • Comments that target or disparage any group or person in violation of Board of Education Policy 413: Discrimination, Harassment and Violence

Any communication submitted to these sites, as well as a list of followers, are public records that are subject to disclosure and retention pursuant to Minnesota law.

If you are a PTA/PTO member, booster club member or coach and would like to launch a social media account, the Communications team is here to help you get started. By offering strategic guidance on how to increase followers, communicate with your families on social media and brand your school page, the Communications team will help you make the most of your social media presence.

Social Media Request Form

Click on one of the accounts below to see what social media platforms are available.

District 742

Departments and Programs

Apollo High School

Clearview Elementary School

Community Education

Discovery Community School

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Katherine Johnson Education Center

Kennedy Community School