Lead in Toys Plan
Lead in Toys Plan
© 2018 Resource Training & Solutions
Approved: January 11, 2017
Program reviews and changes are documented below. Documented reviews indicate that the program continues to meet the needs of the District, or has been modified to do so more effectively.
Lead in Toys
Lead has been found in a variety of toys old and new. It is found in painted wood and metal, all types of plastic and vinyl coated toys in a variety of colors.
Building administrators and the Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator will ensure that the following requirements are implemented as the district plan regarding lead in toys:
District staff is not to bring used toys to school or accept donations of used toys.
Prior to purchasing or accepting donations of new toys, district staff is to check with the Health & Safety Coordinator for verification there are no hazards or recalls with the product.
Each building will keep a log of toys so that Health & Safety can periodically check for any recalls.
Early Childhood, Kindergarten and Elementary Special Education staff will receive annual inservice training on Childhood Lead Toxicity and other current information materials.
Any student communication devices which contain lead are allowed.
Existing furnishings and equipment that contain lead in the buildings will be regularly cleaned and inspected to ensure the condition is intact.
It is highly recommended that staff and students thoroughly wash hands following use of these items.