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St. Cloud Area School District 742



Indoor Air Quality Management Plan

Indoor Air Quality Management Plan

© 2018 Resource Training & Solutions

Submit a Written Plan Review

District Information

District: St Cloud School District ISD #742

Address: 1201 2nd St S, Waite Park 56387

Phone: 320-370-8145

Fax: 320-370-8003

Superintendent: Dr. Larurie Putnam

Business Manager: Amy Skaalerud

Director of Buildings and Grounds: Marcus Lewis

Total number of students: 8,768

Total number of staff: 1,900

Number of school buildings: 16

Number of other buildings: 2

IAQ Coordinator: Marucs Lewis



The 1997 Omnibus Education Act required school districts in Minnesota to develop and implement Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management Plans and to monitor and improve indoor air. This plan will be used by the St Cloud School District to identify and implement the district's commitment to the best indoor air quality for the student, staff, parents and faculty.

The plan contains an indoor air quality vision and goals for the St Cloud School District. There are assessments of each school building which review the indoor air quality-related areas. A procedure for managing indoor air quality complaints is included along with complaint forms. Plans for training and communication about the indoor air quality issues are outlined in the plan.

Information about or copies of schematics, as-built drawings with equipment locations and performance criteria, outside air requirements, sequence of operation, daily building and system operation schedules, test and balance reports, maintenance schedules, building inspection checklists, and maintenance equipment checklists will be found at each school building and/or in the St Cloud School District offices.

The plan has been approved by the St Cloud School Board including any specific Indoor Air Quality Policies or Procedures to be implemented by the District.


Plan Review and Updated Report

Indoor Air Quality Management Plan Review and Update Report

Program review and changes are documented below. Documented reviews indicate that the plan continues to meet the needs of the District, or has been modified to do so more effectively.


 Date  Updates/Notes  Reviewer
 4/1/16  Linked 730A-730F IAQ polices to District main web page.  Wayne Warzecha
 11/29/22  Reviewed plan and updated district information.   Wayne Warzecha  


The St Cloud School District Indoor Air Quality Management Plan was prepared by the Health and Safety Committee of St Cloud School District with assistance from:

Resource Training and Solutions:

Ron Wieber, Director of Health and Safety
Scott George, On-site Health & Safety Manager
Hollie Dagner, Administrative Assistant


Clean Air Group Inc.

Katy Boone, President
Barbara Thatcher, Vice President
Nadine Engbrecht-Schaff, Associate
Updated June 2002

COPYRIGHT 2001, RESOURCE Training & Solutions
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior
written permission of Ron Wieber who may be contacted by writing at
137 23rd Street South Sartell, MN 56377 320-255-3236

ADA Notice: This document is available in the following formats upon request: Braille; large print; audiocassette tape and computer disk. Please contact Ron Wieber for more information or to request a copy.


School District Vision and Goals

A. Vision for District

That the St Cloud School District students, faculty and staff work and learn in buildings that have high quality indoor air.

B. Purpose of the Committee

The Health and Safety Committee and its staff immediately and proactively investigate indoor air quality complaints and concerns, work to identify and remediate problems, and develop and implement longer-term plans that address the root causes of poor quality indoor air.

C. Goals for the Health and Safety Committee and for the District

1. Communication

Communicate about indoor air quality with parents, faculty, students and other District departments.

  • Communications will focus on proactive, positive messages to enlist people's participation and support.
  • Present IAQ information to the School Board as updates on the implementation of the IAQ Management Plan and as reports addressing IAQ issues in the St Cloud School District buildings.
  • Develop, communicate and implement District-wide indoor air quality problem reporting and follow-up procedures. These procedures will be as simple as possible and will communicate the results of the investigation to the people affected. Many concerns can be alleviated when people feel they are kept informed.

2. Maintenance Procedures

    • Indoor air quality is an integral part of overall maintenance of school buildings.
      • School buildings are now used extensively in addition to the regular school day. There are activities scheduled in school buildings in the afternoon and evening hours and on weekends.

        These activities require building maintenance staff to open and lock rooms, set up and take down equipment, and clean the space after the activity.

        Indoor air quality issues also require ongoing staff resources and capital expenditures. This may divert resources from the other maintenance needs of the facility. Deferred maintenance often suffers when staff has too little time and resources. The St Cloud School District facilities have considerable deferred maintenance that will require staff and capital resources to correct.

        Given these challenges, the St Cloud School District needs to look for innovative ways to approach cleaning and maintenance. This will include researching how other organizations that use their property constantly maintain and clean carpeting, make necessary repairs, and most efficiently use their staffs and equipment.
      • Develop procedures to determine where maintenance staff members devote major components of their time. Evaluate whether or not resources are deployed in-the best possible ways. Determine whether or not people and equipment resources are adequate or need to be augmented.

3. Maintenance Equipment

    • Maintain high quality indoor air in the St Cloud School District facilities and purchase equipment that improves indoor air quality.
      • Equipment Accessibility. Make all heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment accessible for cleaning.
      • Filter Systems. Upgrade the air filters used in the ventilation systems throughout the St Cloud School District. High efficiency filters will be installed everywhere it is possible. Staff will determine where the new filters will have the greatest impact on air quality. The cost of the upgraded filters will be included in the future budgets and the filters will be installed as feasible.
      • Vacuums. The vacuums used by the St Cloud School District will be upgraded to'99% efficient models. Staff will continue to research the performance of new models and select those that best fit the needs of the District. The cost of these new vacuums will be included in future budgets and high efficiency models will be purchased for every school as feasible.
      • Cleaning Schedule. Establish a workable floor and carpet cleaning schedule. Because the schools are used more hours of the week and more weeks of the year, the traditional approach to periodic deep cleaning of the carpets does not work as well. Staff will analyze new time frames for carpet cleaning and test new equipment. New approaches for carpet cleaning will be integrated into the operations and maintenance schedules. In addition, staff will conduct additional research on new carpet products and alternative floor coverings.

4. District Indoor Air Quality Policies

The Health and Safety Committee has developed indoor air quality policies for the St Cloud School District that address the following issues. These policies are included as attachments to this Plan. When approved, the policies will be communicated and implemented.

      • Housekeeping.
      • Upholstered furniture.
      • Use of space.
      • New construction and remodeling.
      • Animals in classrooms.
      • Plants in classrooms.
      • Use of floor coverings.
      • Diesel school bus idling. (2002)

5. Funding Indoor Air Quality Work

Work to improve indoor air quality and to maintain it is funded from three sources: Health and Safety funds made available through the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning (DCFL), District operating funds, and District capital budgets.

Health and Safety funds are used primarily to correct identified IAQ problems. Operating money is used for maintenance. Capital budgets are the source of money to build new buildings, complete major remodels and update the schools.

As it improves indoor air quality, the St Cloud School District continues to carefully invest CFL and District funds in cost effective solutions that will have long-term impact.

6. Ongoing Indoor Air Quality Review

The Health and Safety Committee will conduct an annual evaluation of the indoor air quality issues and progress in the St Cloud School District. This will include a walk-through of the St Cloud School District buildings to update the In-depth Assessment and complete the Annual C O 2 Monitoring form, and review of the completed Staff and Teacher, Building Maintenance, and Ventilation Checklists (See Appendix G). The Committee will identify new issues and make suggestions for addressing them and provide this information annually for review by the School Board (See Appendix H). The Committee will also modify the Indoor Air Quality Plan as needed and conduct a thorough Indoor Air Quality Plan update at least every three years.

Training and Communication Plan

St Cloud School District #742, is committed to providing communication, education and training on indoor air quality issues to students, parents, faculty and staff.

The public will be kept up-to-date on our IAQ program through the St Cloud School District newsletter. The IAQ plan will be kept in the District office for review by anyone during regular school hours.

Training for all staff will be conducted. Staff will receive updates as determined by the Health and Safety Committee, with the opportunity to review the St Cloud School District's IAQ Management Plan.

All questions by the public and/or St Cloud School staff will be directed to the Health and Safety Committee, IAQ Coordinator or the District Superintendent.

Complaint Record-Keeping and Response Procedure

The St Cloud School District is committed to improving the indoor air quality (IAQ) in District buildings in the most efficient and trustworthy method possible. The St Cloud School District relies on the people using the buildings to alert them to possible indoor air quality problems so they can be addressed and corrected as soon as possible.

The staff, faculty, parents, students and the general public of the St Cloud School District will be given the opportunity to express their concerns about indoor air quality through the use of this Complaint Record-Keeping and Response Procedure.

The students, staff, faculty, parents and the general public may identify any indoor air quality related issue through the completion of the St Cloud School District Indoor Air Quality Complaint Form. This completed form is submitted to the Indoor Air Quality Coordinator for the St Cloud School District.

The Complaint Form is logged in by the IAQ Coordinator who will meet with the individual within 48 hours to discuss the complaint. All emergency complaints will be handled immediately. The IAQ Coordinator with assistance from the St Cloud School District staff will investigate the complaint and determine whether the complaint can be resolved quickly or if it will take more time. Outside Professionals will be called in if necessary.

When the complaint is resolved, the IAQ Coordinator will respond in writing to the individual submitting the complaint. If the complaint cannot be quickly resolved, the IAQ Coordinator will communicate regularly, with the individual on the progress of the resolution.


Operations and Maintenance Plan

A. Initial Assessment Summary

St. Cloud School District - ISD #742

Year Built      
Exterior and
Roof Materials
HVAC Systems      
Floor Coverings      
Water Damage      
IAQ Complaints      

B. In-Depth Assessment Summary

St. Cloud School District - ISD #742

Year Built      


Carpet Cleaning      
Cleaning Products      
Plants & Animals      
Water Damage      
IAQ Complaints      

C. Procedures

  • HVAC Systems

Heating and ventilation systems will be monitored/checked daily to ensure proper operation. Belt tension will be checked at least quarterly; belts will be replaced as needed.

Filters will also be checked quarterly and replaced twice annually at a minimum.

An effort will be made, as finances permit, to upgrade the filters to 2-inch pleated filters and to high efficiency bag filters where space permits.

  • Carpeting and Floor Coverings

Carpeting will be vacuumed at a minimum of twice per week and in high traffic areas, daily. This includes door entrance mats and area rugs.

Carpets will be extracted at a minimum annually and in higher traffic areas as needed, depending on soil/stain build up. After extraction, high volume blower fans will be used to ensure proper drying of the carpets to help discourage mold growth.

Hard floor coverings, tile, wood, terrazzo, and concrete will be dust mopped at a minimum twice per week and in most cases, daily. These floors will also be wet mopped or auto scrubbed as needed to ensure cleanliness. Hard floor coverings will be refinished during the summer to ensure minimum building occupation during the refinishing process.

  • Landscaping and Grounds

The landscape and grounds will be maintained in a neat and consistent manner. Shrubs and trees will be kept trimmed and away from the building far enough to discourage mold or moss growth. The landscaping shall slope away from the building to ensure proper drainage and discourage a "wet foundation" condition. Spillways and drains shall be repaired and upgraded as needed to help ensure good water flow away from the building.

  • Housekeeping and Janitorial

All housekeeping and janitorial staff shall work together to achieve a clean and safe learning environment for the students in our District. All hallways, locker rooms, classrooms, bathrooms, gymnasiums, cafeterias, offices, and all other areas, will be monitored for cleanliness on a daily basis. In some cases, such as hallways, cleaning may need to take place more than once per day. Other areas, conference rooms, auditoriums, some offices, may only require once or twice per week cleaning, depending on usage.

All trash collection must occur in a timely manner to ensure cleanliness and to avoid mold growth or odor concerns.

Concerns of cleanliness or timeliness of cleaning procedures should be directed to the Head Custodian of each building.

No air fresheners or scented products are allowed in district buildings, unless supplied by the custodial staff at the direction of the Buildings & Grounds Director.


Appendix B: Initial Assessment Form


Appendix C: In-Depth Assessment Form


Appendix D: Protocol for Testing and Notification of Indoor Air Quality Issues


Appendix E: IAQ Walk Through Procedures

  • Get Started
  • Walk Through
  • Outside
  • Inside
  • Classrooms
  • Fixes
  • Debrief


Appendix F: Integrated Pest Management

  • IPM Webinar
  • IPM Webinar Slides
  • IPM Webinar Transcript