Hoist, Jack and Sling Safety Plan
Hoist, Jack and Sling Safety Plan
© 2018 Resource Training & Solutions
OSHA has several standards applicable to the safe operation of lifting devices in schools. This particular safety program addresses the requirements of 1910.179, .184 & .244. The most important aspects of the program are to ensure that the devices used for lifting are in good operating condition and operated in a safe manner.
This plan has been developed to ensure the safe operation of equipment by students and staff and sets forth specific safety criteria to be followed when using this equipment.
As written, this plan is intended to guide the St Cloud School District in its efforts to provide a safe and healthy environment in which to learn, but will need to be reviewed and modified on a regular basis. The St Cloud School District is responsible for the enforcement and updating of the plan. Actual use of the plan is limited to Resource Training & Solutions and to the St Cloud School District that it represents.
Plan Review and Updated Report
Hoist, Jack and Sling Management Plan Update Report
Program review and changes are documented below. Documented reviews indicate that the plan continues to meet the needs of the District, or has been modified to do so more effectively.
Date | Updates/Notes | Reviewer |
4-8-16 | Reviewed - no changes | Wayne Warzecha |
10/29/21 | Reviewed - no changes | Wayne Warzecha |
11/29/22 | Reviewed - no changes | Wayne Warzecha |
Plan Overview
Lifting equipment in shops and maintenance areas pose serious potential hazards to students and staff. Because of the age of the students and the number of students normally under the supervision of a single instructor, it is crucial that reasonable precautions be taken to ensure safe equipment and operations.
This plan was developed to ensure that proper inspection and maintenance procedures are followed to ensure that equipment will functional safely as intended. Inspection and safe operating procedures cannot be over emphasized. Following the procedures outlined in this plan we ensure a much safer learning experience for the students and a safer working environment for staff.
Hoist - an apparatus which may be a part of a crane, exerting a force for lifting or lowering
Rated load - the maximum load for which a crane or individual hoist is designed and built by the manufacturer and shown on the equipment name plate(s)
Rope - wire rope, unless otherwise specified
Clearance - the distance from any part of the lifting/lowering device to a point of the nearest obstruction
Safety hook - a hook with a latch to prevent slings or load from accidentally slipping off the hook
Sling - an assembly which connects the load to the material handling equipment, i.e., rope, chain, metal mesh
Jack - hydraulically operated portable lifting device on casters
Loading and marking - the load shall be legibly and permanently marked in a prominent location on the jack by casting, stamping or other suitable means
Designated person - the local contact person designated by the district to be responsible for implementation of a specific management plan
Aerial device - any vehicle-mounted device, telescoping or articulating, or both, which is used to position personnel
Platform - any personnel-carrying device (basket or bucket) which is a component of an aerial device
Designated Person
The Designated Person/Employee of the St Cloud School District has been trained in the requirements of this plan and is responsible for inspection, maintenance and adherence to safe operating procedures. Responsibilities include, but are not limited, to:
- Staff and students will be trained in the safe operation of this equipment including safety rules, pre-use inspections and proper operation of equipment prior to being assigned or approved to use equipment.
- Safely precautions will be developed and placed into effect to ensure that safe operating limits are observed.
- Each piece of equipment will be visually inspected daily or prior to each use to ensure it operates safely.
- Manufacturer's recommendations are understood and followed.
- Maintain a log of preventative maintenance activity.
- Maintain a log of student injuries and near-misses.
- Instructors receive annual training on inspections and safe operating procedures.
- Management plan is presented to the school board for review and approval at least annually.
General Plan Requirements
- No one is allowed to operate a hoist without prior instruction on proper safety procedures.
- All hoist operators are responsible for knowing where chains and straps are located and what their weight limits are.
- Operators are responsible to ensure that the load is safe to hoist.
- Loads to be lifted must be centered directly under the hoist prior to lifting.
- Loads must not be shifted or maneuvered while being lifted.
- Loads must not exceed the rated capacity of the hoist.
- Practice good safety behaviors when lifting a load, i.e., keep hands clear of chains, stay clear of load, never lift a load with someone on it, only lift as high as necessary and avoid entrapment.
- Ensure lifting equipment is sound and not damaged.
Aerial Work Platforms
- Lift controls shall be tested prior to use to determine if controls are in safe working condition.
- Pre-inspection shall include checking the air, hydraulic and fuel system for leaks; cables and wiring harness; tires and wheels; and, loose or missing parts.
- Only trained staff shall be permitted to operate the aerial lift. No students shall be permitted to ride upon or operate.
- Basket and boom limits set by the manufacturer shall not be exceeded.
- Brakes and outriggers shall be set when using. Wheel chocks shall be set before use when operated on an inclined surface.
- Follow equipment manufacturer recommendations.
- Equipment shall be inspected for damage or defects prior to use and during lifting operations, including fastenings and attachments.
- Slings shall not be shortened with knots or bolts or make-shift devices.
- Slings shall not be kinked.
- Slings shall not be loaded beyond rated capacity.
- Slings shall be securely attached to the load.
- Slings shall be padded or protected from the sharp edges of the load.
- Suspended loads shall be kept clear of all obstructions.
- Students and staff shall be kept clear of loads about to be lifted and of suspended loads.
- Hands or fingers shall not be placed between the sling and its load while sling is being tightened around the load.
- Shock loading is prohibited.
- A sling shall not be pulled from under a load while the load is resting on the sling.
- Slings that are damaged or defective shall not be used and must be removed from classroom.
- Operator will ensure the jack has a rating sufficient to lift and sustain the load.
- The load rating shall be legibly and permanently marked in a prominent location on the jack.
- Jacks must be inspected on regular intervals and prior to use. Any hydraulic leakage requires the jack removed from service and tagged until proper repairs have been made.
- To prevent a load from shifting, a hardwood shim should be used that is longer and wider than the face of the jack head.
- All lifts should be vertical and centered under the load.
- Operator shall monitor the stop indicator. The indicated limit shall not be overrun.
- Raised loads shall be cribbed, blocked or otherwise supported immediately upon lifting.
- Loads should be raised only when the jack is on a firm foundation. In the absence of a firm foundation, the base of the jack must be blocked.
- Jack handles shall be removed after the load has been lifted to eliminate a potential trip hazard.
The designated person shall be provided the training and background information necessary to permit training of other staff and students in the safe and appropriate operation of equipment to ensure that students and staff are provided with a safe learning and working environment: (Appendix B)
Each shop or work area where this equipment is used shall keep a log of staff training and student or staff injuries. In addition, the designated person shall maintain a log of equipment inspection, repair and replacement for each piece of equipment located in the school district. (Appendix C)
Annual Review
The superintendent or designee shall present a summary of this program to the St Cloud School Board for review and approval at least on an annual basis.
Appendix A: Compliance Checklist
Appendix B: Training Log
Appendix C: Inventory Form
Appendix D: Record of Annual Inspection
Appendix E: OSHA Standards
- Overhead gantry cranes - OSHA 29 CFR 1910.179
- Slings - OSHA 29 CFR 1910.184
- Other portable tools and equipment - OSHA 29 CFR 1910.244
- Material hoists, personnel hoists, and elevators. - OSHA 29 CFR 1926.552