Harassment and Bully Prevention
Harassment and Bully Prevention
One of the primary goals of PBIS is to create a safe and caring learning climate and culture. As a PBIS District, all of our anti-bully/harassment efforts are planned and executed through the PBIS framework. From our prevention efforts to our consistent supportive response we will live our district mission to create a safe and caring climate and culture in which we prepare, engage, educate, empower and inspire all learners in partnership with their surrounding community to be successful in today's and tomorrow's society.
Bullying is: intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct that is objectively offensive.
- There is an actual or perceived imbalance of power between the student engaging in the prohibited conduct and the target of the behavior and the conduct is repeated or forms a pattern, or
- Materially and substantially interferes with a student's educational opportunities or performance or ability to participate in school functions or activities or receive school benefits, services, or privileges.
Cyber bullying is: bullying using technology or other electronic communication, including, but not limited to, a transfer of a sign, signal, writing, image, sound, or data, including a post on a social network Internet Web site of forum, transmitted through a computer, cell phone, or other electronic device.
Harassment is: Behavior or words directed at a person or group BASED ON protective class status that are UNWELCOME or unwanted, that have the PURPOSE or EFFECT of interfering with a student's learning environment or an employee's working environment and are SEVERE, PERSISTENT or PERVASIVE.
Protected classes are: Sex, Race, Color, National Origin, Age, Religion or Creed, Marital or Familial Status, Sexual Orientation, Disability and Economic Status.
Safe & Supportive School Plans
- Early Childhood Safe & Supportive School Plan
- Elementary Safe & Supportive School Plan
- Middle Level Safe & Supportive School Plan
- Secondary Safe & Supportive School Plan
- Anti-Bully Book List for Elementary Lessons
- Elementary Parent Letter
- Bully Prevention Curriculum - Elementary
- Bully Prevention Curriculum - Middle Level
- Bully Prevention Curriculum - Secondary
- Cyber Bullying Lesson
Harassment Prevention Lessons
- Preschool-Kindergarten Lesson
- Primary Lesson
- Intermediate Lesson
- Middle School Lesson
- Secondary Lesson
Resources - Extended Learning for Parents
- Be the One: Staff Response Protocol
- Board Policy 105 - Harassment and Violence
- Board Policy 514 - Bullying Prohibition
- Bully Prevention and Intervention Tips for Families
- Bully Project
- Cyber Citizen Guidelines
- Cyberbullying Research Center
- Help Stop Bullying - Parent Infographic
- Internet Safety Tip Sheet
- MDE - Bullying Concerns and Ways to Help
- MDE - Effective Strategies and Resouces
- MN Safe and Supportive Schools Act
- Pacer's National Bully Prevention Center
- Safe Supportive Learning
- Stop, Walk and Talk Poster
- Stop, Talk and Walk Bookmark
- Stopbullying.gov